Topdressing is the application of 1/8”-1/4” of compost to the turf areas. There are many benefits to compost topdressing of your lawn. Topdressing with quality compost:
- Improves the structure of the soil. A well-structured soil will better retain water & nutrients, along with improving the porosity, which improves gas exchange.
- Stimulates the microbial activity in the soil, which helps to break down the thatch layer.
- Adds organic matter to the root zone of the turf. The organic matter and increased porosity of the soil allows the landscape to better absorb water, which reduces runoff.
- Provides nutrients in a slow release form to the soil reducing the number of fertilizer treatments needed during the season.
- Creates a healthier, less stressed stand of turf. Less stress means fewer pest problems.
Most lawns can benefit from a topdressing application with high quality compost. Lawns that should be considered as serious candidates for topdressing include:
- New homes with little or no topsoil.
- Sites with extreme compaction.
- Sites with irrigation or rainwater runoff.
- Sites with thin areas of turf and/or areas that are hard to get established.
- Sites that are under added stress.
Topdressing is best done in the Spring (March-Early May) or Fall (Mid-August-October).
Topdressing should be done once a year.
The steps for proper topdressing include:
- Mow lawn at 2”-2.5” prior to topdressing.
- Core aerate the lawn.
- Spread 1/8”-1/4” quality compost over the entire turf area.
- Apply a quality grass seed suited for the site.
- Sweep compost & seed into the lawn.
We use compost from a local supplier to support the local economy.